
a collection of random musings held in the virtual version of the giant bucket of writer Bethany Malmgren

Karate KICK

I've decided that whenever I'm super excited about something, I am going to express that excitement through karate kicks.   Reasons for doing this: 1. This gets by blood moving.  2.  It feels good to stretch those muscles.  3.  It makes the moment seem even more exciting. 

The first time I did this was in our living room when mu husband and I were about to leave for an evening out.  I was so excited just to leave the house that I start karate kicking.  My husband thought it was cute and said he would would give me a kiss for a every karate kick (trust me, we aren't always this adorable).

The second time I began karate kicking was in a parking lot in San Diego.  We were about to cross into Mexico for the weekend and it had been a long time since I had been to Mexico.  I was so excited, I had to karate kick the entire time the car was filling up.

I wonder what excitement will induce my next karate kick experience?

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