
a collection of random musings held in the virtual version of the giant bucket of writer Bethany Malmgren

Karate KICK

I've decided that whenever I'm super excited about something, I am going to express that excitement through karate kicks.   Reasons for doing this: 1. This gets by blood moving.  2.  It feels good to stretch those muscles.  3.  It makes the moment seem even more exciting. 

The first time I did this was in our living room when mu husband and I were about to leave for an evening out.  I was so excited just to leave the house that I start karate kicking.  My husband thought it was cute and said he would would give me a kiss for a every karate kick (trust me, we aren't always this adorable).

The second time I began karate kicking was in a parking lot in San Diego.  We were about to cross into Mexico for the weekend and it had been a long time since I had been to Mexico.  I was so excited, I had to karate kick the entire time the car was filling up.

I wonder what excitement will induce my next karate kick experience?

Me gusta . . . el mar

2001, my family body-surfing in Puerto Vallerta
I love the ocean. 

I love the mystery.  Think about how many amazing creatures live under that blue barrier.  They float and swim and breath and make love all in that wonderful azul.  Think how many creatures are--
"--out to eat me?"
"No, Jon, not out to eat you.  Well, maybe if they were given a chance, but that's not their initial goal."

I love how it can consistently take your breath away.  Living in California makes from some incredible ocean moments.  The first time we traveled to Big Sur, my husband and I walked to the lookout across the street from the Kirk Creek Campground.  Upon reaching the edge of ultimate beauty, my husband starts laughing manically.  Wind and rain blast us in the face.  I gave him a questioning look.  He said, "It's just so beautiful.  I'm a loss for words.  You can say anything to capture this.  It's just amazing,"  and he continued laughing without words.
1992 "Locked" note from Dahlia R. to Beth M.
A little over 20 years ago, the first text message was sent.  Google "text messaging ruining language" and you get all types of editorials bemoaning the death of language due to texting.  People claim it was is a radical new phenom--but I think not.  Before OMG and LMAO and bad Mumblecore films named after text-isms, middle school girls were rocking in LYLAS and W/B.  In fact, in 1992 in Schertz, Texas a young girl name Dahlia Rangel rocked the "new speak" with slashes.   Here's a few:

B/F/F/L: Best Friends For Life
L/Y/L/A/S: Love You Like A Sister
D/S/A: Don't Show Anyone
W/B: Write Back
J/J: Just Joking (pun intended)

Text-isms were just a natural progression from middle school notes.  Language flowing with the times.  What we should bemoan is the "soon-to-be-if-not-already" lost art of note folding.  My niece is ten and has an iPad that she uses in school.  I keep forgetting to ask if her friends and her still pass notes around.  I can't imagine she does.  She's missing out on that origami right of passage as a middle school girl: how to fold the "locked" note.  I know that Dahlia was a pro!

Happy New Year's (i.e. Day of Pain)

Welcome to the most painful day of the entire year.

Where as New's Year's Eve has the potential to be both amazing and/or terrible, New Year's Day is pretty much all about pain.  First of all, for the lucky majority, there is the hangover.  For teachers, students, and most people in education, this day marks the last of Holiday Break.  For the rest of the work force, it means no more lax December, office parties, leaving work early, etc.  For all of us: no more letting our pocketbooks run wild.

Of course, it would be un-American if we kept the pain to the minimum and just nursed our hangover and dreaded going back to work.  No, we add a deep individualistic angst to the entire day by forcing ourselves to confront all that we dislike with ourselves and swear to do better.  Yesterday, after that third martini, we let ourselves admit our failings and announced we could defeat our inner demons.  Today those demons look massive, fierce and angry. 

There's always those statistics that 50-60-70 percent of all New Year's resolutions end in failure.  Yet, I don't think a certain amount of self-reflection and criticism is ever bad.  Who (but ourselves) should care if we fail at our resolutions--at least we tried.  At least we admit we aren't "God's gift to humanity" and we want to better.  We believe enough in ourselves to try.  

When I was growing up, my father would gather us together on New Year's Day and hand each of us an index card.  On it we had to write five resolutions for ourselves and one resolution for each member of the family.  This usually amounted to us asking my mom not to yell so much or my brother Nathan to be nicer to my mom.  I remember these as common themes throughout the years.  Some may say that it isn't nice or productive to have had us point out each others failings.  I guess it was our family's version of a Festivus tradition.  But resolutions are not just about our failings.  Our resolutions to our family members were a belief that they could do better.  There was criticism lined with support.  I tried to continue the tradition with my husband, but he found the whole thing to be too critical.  Also, he doesn't need to set goals to get things done.  He decides he really wants to do it, and he does it.  That's how he works. 

But for the rest of us folks who need a little help with the focus, or those of us who like to pre-plan, I recommend taking New Year's Day as a day to rest, relax, and reflect.  From this centered self, set your New Year's resolutions and make a plan.  If you are losing weight, throw away those leftover Christmas cookies and dust of your tennis shoes.  If you are quitting smoking, go stock-up on the patch, the gum, toothpicks or whatever you're gonna need.  If you want to volunteer more, make a list of places you'd like to volunteer.  If you want to get out of debt, do some research on how others have done it, make a budget, plan what you can cut.  I'm a strong believer in preparation.

And then start your resolution tomorrow, because we've all got enough pain to deal with today.